Saturday, July 4, 2009

Social Websites

I have to admit when the whole social websites craze started I wasn't on board at all. I never had and still to this day have never had a myspace account. For a while friends and family were trying to get me to join Facebook. I scoffed at the notion and went on about my business. I figured the people I stay in contact with are the people I stay in contact with for a reason. What do I need to join a social website for? Then something happened that got me curious.


I was watching an NBA game and one of the sideline reporters starting talk about Shaq and Steve Nash on Twitter. Then I was watching another game on TNT and Kenny Smith was blurting out his Twitter ID. So I went online and put my account together just so I could see what all the fuss was about. Once I started using Twitter I was hooked. From there I opened up a Facebook account and I spend time on both daily.

I do have to address one of the problems with social websites though. People have gotten so addicted that they've substituted a real social life for a cyber one. This isn't healthy, people. Guys are trying to be cyber macks and pimps and girls are using these sites to solicite possible mates and what not. These sites weren't meant for people to spend all their free time searching, chatting, and flirting online. It's suppose to be a tool for keeping in touch, networking, entertainment, ect. Making new friends along the way is great, but that doesn't mean to just stay in the house and hunt for people on the net.

As a newer user of social websites I use them at random times. I Twitter from my phone as well as update my Facebook status from my phone depending on what I'm doing at the time. But that's about as far as I'm going to go, people. I'm not going to spend my every waking moment consumed in what's going on on Twitter,Facebook, or any other social website. You shouldn't either. So get up, get out, and get a real social life.

See you next time. Have a good one.

You can follow on Twitter @

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